Metal Fabrication

Metal fabrication is the process of cutting, reshaping, and assembling various metal components to create a new product or structure. At Kinter, our experienced manufacturers cut, bend, and weld raw materials into custom shapes and sizes based on your unique project specifications.

If you are looking for custom metal fabrication services, including wire forming, sheet metal bending, custom stamping, and powder coating, Kinter can help!

Beyond the Catalog

At Kinter, our mission is to make display hardware effortless for retailers.

Tell us what you need and when you need it, and we’ll work out the logistics to make it happen. We won't stop working until your retail display challenge has been solved.

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Metal Fabrication Services

Many industries rely on metal fabrication for creating parts and products. Here are just some of the products we’ve helped our customers create, outside of our cataloged metal products, using custom metal fabrication services:

  • Wire baskets
  • Wire fencing
  • Crisper carts
  • Service carts with drawers
  • Kayak racks

From small wire projects to metal carts and racks, Kinter would happily discuss your project needs with you. Reach out to our team today. 

Why Choose Kinter for Metal Fabrication?

Kinter has been working with customers for over 40+ years, bringing customer visions and ideas to life. Our expertise lies in value engineering your processes and using our know-how to determine the materials, processes, and project flows required to meet your needs. Our value lies in our experience and our capabilities. 

Metal fabrication material process for retail display hardware

From metal fabrication to injection molding and everything in between, we can help you create production efficiencies to drive down costs and increase production speed and flexibility. 

Metal Fabrication FAQs


What kind of metal finishes do you offer?

At Kinter, several metal finishes are available, not limited to, custom powder coating, chrome plating, zinc plating, nickel plating and more.


What materials can you fabricate?

Kinter’s metal fabrication services include, not limited to, various grades of steel, aluminum and stainless steel fabrication.

With many in-house capabilities, including a dedicated engineering lab, rapid prototyping, 3D printing, extrusion, and CNC and EDM tooling services, Kinter can meet very tight timelines. We are able to remain nimble because we overstock hundreds of thousands of the most requested parts and components allowing us to strategically manage injection molding production schedules to meet the unique project needs of our customers. 


What surface finishes can be achieved?

Depending on the material being used and the desired requirements, Kinter’s metal fabrication services can achieve a wide variety of colors and textures, including smooth, brushed, matte, or highly reflective.

What are the metal fabrication lead times?

Metal fabrication lead times vary by product and complexity, but rapid prototyping is available for select projects.